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Perfectly positioned in a melting pot of history, culture, food, and design, The Mer.chant is a feast for all your senses – from its contemporary design to its setting in the hip locale of Galle Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Places To Visit (48)
Hiking Areas (2)
Waterfalls (4)
Historical Places (8)
Wildlife (3)
Beaches (12)
Adventure (5)
Bathing Places (13)
Adventure Sports (14)
Camping Sites (5)
Day Out Packages (221)
Honeymoon Packages (234)
Couple Day Outing Places (229)
Yoga and Ayurveda Retreat (47)
Accommodation (315)
BYOB (3)
High Tea Buffet (6)
Banquet Hall (25)
Birthday Party (1)